
    Workshops & Trainings

    Workshops are an integral part of any institution. They help to upgrade the skills of teachers and update regarding new pedagogies. Workshops are also conducted regularly to brush up past experiences of teachers. They provide a window to freshers into policies and pedagogies adopted in KVS. Following workshops were conducted in the academic session

    ADMISSION GUIDELINES,UBI PORTAL AND ENROLLMENT: Admission incharge conducted the workshop. He gave detailed explanation regarding the categoriesof parents, special provisions, RTE admissions and changes in admission policies. Fresher’s had doubts regarding filling up details in UBI portal and entering details in enrollment. These were discussed in details.
    CODE OF CONDUCT and POCSO: Mr RM Kamble discussed duties of a teacher and Code of conduct as expected by KVS. This brushed up the knowledge of senior teachers and was learning experience for freshly joined teachers.
    TOY BASED PEDAGOGY AND AIL: Fun learning has become an integral part of teaching learning process. Subject committee conveners showed various subject specific learning strategies using toys and integration of art through puppets.
    ASSESSMENT STRUCTURE 2024-25: Exam in charge took this session and explained in details about assessment structure at foundational stage as per NEP 2020. He also explained the changes in assessment strategies compared to previous academicsessions.
    Workshops on the following topics are in the pipeline to be conducted during this session.

    • Inclusive education
    • Types of disabilities and intervention
    • Foundational literacy and Numeracy
    • Language and mathematical games.
    • Phonics
    • Learning through sports.
    • Blended learning
    • Use of smart panels.

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