Kendriya Vidyalaya Southern Command, a school situated in the heart of the Historic city of Pune. This school with its sprawling campus of 15.3 acre has a unique story from its beginning in the 1968 till date!
The foundation stone of Kendriya Vidyalaya Southern command was first laid by BRIGADIER S A MORAY, Commander Poona SB AREA on 27th April 1968. It took almost a year for completing the first leg of its journey and then on 3rd March 1969 the Vidyalaya was declared opened by Lt. Gen MOTI SAGAR PVSM, GOC-IN-C SOUTHERN COMMAND. The construction of the building was done by M/S Santram & Sons. This is the building where we have our current Primary Section.
Years rolled by and there was a need for expansion hence on 25th February 1992 an additional building was inaugurated by Lt. Gen F T DIAS, PVSM, AVSM, VRC., Southern Command. This part of the building holds the major rooms as the Principal’s Chamber, Account Office, Laboratories and senior secondary classrooms.
This journey does not stop here as again 0n 29th February 2008 the foundation stone was laid for the expansion of the building. On 16th December 2008 the building was inaugurated by Brig. R J SHARMA, Commander Pune SUB Area. This building is designated for the secondary classrooms, Staffroom, Medical room ATL Lab, Maths Lab, Junior Science Lab Conference room and Library.
The school has a huge playground for various sports and two assembly stages; for Primary and Secondary.
The campus also includes the KV Staff Quarters on both sides of the School building. There small garden areas at in the entire building making it beautiful, colourful and green.