The language lab provides access to native speakers via audio – video aids, so that they learn better. In KV SC all the subject teachers are taking efforts to improve the listening and communication skills of the students.
The lab was set in the tear 2018.It has 30 Computers with WORDSWORTH SOFTWARE installed.
There are 30 sets of Workstations. The lab can accommodate 30 students at a time. It also has one Projector and screen. The Lab is used for conducting ASL Activities and CBSE Reading and Writing challenges.
English language being a second language for the students needs great efforts by the teachers and the students. There are various methods and activities conducted in the class by the teachers to encourage and motivate the students to improve their LSRW skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking).The following activities are regularly conducted in the class:-
- Role plays and Dramatizations
- Use of Grammar Worksheet
- Quiz(Spell bee)
- Rearrangement of jumbled words into meaningful sentences
- Use of pocket dictionary
- Writing skill worksheets or questions covering short and long compositions.
- Language games
- The use of Off –Line dictionary helps the students to learn new words with correct spelling and proper pronunciation.
- Listening Task:- Listening activities are conducted with the help of the material provided by the KVS along with the introduction of songs , poems, speeches , conversations, etc.
- ASL:- ASL activities are conducted regularly from class 6 to 12
- Video & PPT:- Videos and PPts related to the lessons are regularly used and shown to the students.
- The Basic Fundamentals of communication:- For the enrichment of communication skill the following methods are carried on in the class, for eg: Use of Reading cards , News paper Reading, Radio Shows