
    Vidyalaya Patrika

    A Vidyalaya E-Patrika 2024 -25 is in process and is planned to be published on 15th of December. Articles, drawings, paintings etc. are being received- at the below mentioned E-mail id Time and again announcement are made in the assembly and through official groups to motivate the students and teachers to come forward with their collection.
    Following are the members of the working committee:

    Ms Atiya Shah (PGT English)
    Mr H.N Joshi (PGT Hindi)
    Ms Kalpana Lagu (TGT Hindi)
    Kumari Sai Mokshita12 B
    Anjaney Rath 12 B
    Jaynandini 11 A
    Arman Shaikh 11 B

    Vidyalaya Patrika
    Sl No. Title Details/Download
    1. Vidyalaya Patrika of Session 2023 – 24 Click Here